Do you have questions for that Nice Man?

Go ahead, ask!



Some of the links on my home page are shown in gray out and lead to this page, rather than to the real answer.  This is mostly because those answers have gotten out of date and I hate to give people obsolete advice.

For up-to-date answers to those questions  -- or the answers to questions of your own -- you are invited to Ask That Nice Man.


For best results, please call 415/NICEMAN (415/642-3626). I am often at home between 7:00 and 11:00 p.m. Pacific Time on weekdays, and all day on weekends. But if I am out, please leave voice-mail. I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Or,  if you prefer using e-mail, just click here or on the paper airplane below.

To make your message stand out from all the spam, please include the word "question" in the Subject of your first e-mail message to me.  

Thanks for asking!

Ask That Nice Man
584 Castro Street #386
San Francisco, CA 94114

Click here to send your question to that nice man!  







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